The Goal: Insight from Information - 20040826
Make Media Work for information insight (MMWii) examines the
media organizations reporting major events, the information in
their reports and what insights might be available in the reports.
Finding hits to information on the Internet is not the problem as
shown by the Google Search table. Finding insight from all that
information is the hard part.
To find insight, MMWii identifies and summarizes media reports on significan World/US issues and describes the media making those reports. Then, questions and background facts that supplement the reports are given. Questions, facts and observations about the reports are added to promote more insight. Finally, a monthly comment, posted the last Sunday morning of the month, for your Sunday morning reading, reflects on the reports examined during the month. Updates to MMWii pages will be made during the month to stay somewhat current during the month.
At the Navigation link, learn more about how MMWii examines organizations and issues to find information insight. The Registration and Contact links describe the benefits of registering with and contacting MMWii.
At the About Media links, learn the abc...z's of how the Main Stream media conglomerates and Alternative Media organizations influence the accuracy, biasness and clarity of their reports. They sometimes act like zombies. And, it seems, less often, they do some insightful reports.
Like automatons the media can rehash old news and ideas ad nauseum and add little, if any, insight. Why is that? Perhaps, it is one way the media excuses itself from being clearer. Saying little with a lot of words reduces the risk of affronting it's corporate and political advertisers. In part, the zombiessness may explain the 1 to 100 ratio of information insight to information without mention of insight.
Explore the World/US Issues and Monthly Comments links for critiques on media reports and commentary about Environmental, Economic and Organizational issues with short and long term impacts on our life.
Insight is somewhere between hindsight and foresight. The closer to foresight, the fewer will be our future problems. GOOGLE SEARCH, 08/01/2004 Keywords | Hits | information insight | 5510000 | information | 560000000 | dominant media | 1270000 | independent media | 8280000 | intergovernmental organizations | 422000 | international economy | 6740000 | international environment | 8370000 | international regional issues | 5120000 | us non-government organizations | 250000 | us economy | 10100000 | us environment | 11900000 | us regional issues | 7210000 |